Davy returns for a redoux that is every bit as hilarious as his episode “Roadkill Roundup.” Coloradans have difficulties with tire chains just as much as out-of-state visitors… sometimes worse. It’s hilarity in the High Country with Comedy Parenting Radio!

-photo credit: http://c1552172.r72.cf0.rackcdn.com/135245_x600.jpg

Baby it’s cold outside. Come to think of it, it’s cold inside, too. Jerry and the cast of Comedy Parenting Radio are just trying to survive the drafty windows, wild snowmobile rides, and septic tank. Plus… our exclusive Comedy Parenting Radio panel analysis of the Presidential election. Hmmm…. it’s just what you’d expect from the show that brought you “5000 Year Old Recording.”

-photo credit” https://www.google.com/search?q=freezing+cold+indoors